Reconnect, Sustainability, Beauty & Health, are the concepts that surround WHITETREE Lifestyle Store. With these concepts in mind, we have selected and brought in products from all around the world to our space.
From Organic Foods to Care Products for ladies, we provide a platform for overseas brands to connect their products to our local market. New items will be brought in every season, so there will always be something new for you.
We aim to bring in items that can benefit and brighten up your lifestyle at WHITETREE.

Japan Brand to Singapore
Here at WHITETREE, we sell a broad range of products. From our original wellness teas to lifestyle products hailing from Japan, WHITETREE aims to connect specialty products from our partners to their many users in Singapore.
Venturing into a foreign market is always challenging and overwhelming to business owners. WHITETREE provides consultations and a platform for business owners to test the market. We are always aiming to collaborate with brands that share our passion and beliefs.
Herbal Tea
Ingredients That Are Good for the Body
High-quality raw ingredients are sourced from various parts of the world. Each component of the herbal tea is carefully selected, and the herbs are cut to the precision of millimeters.
All raw ingredients used in the blends are USDA organic or JAS certified.
WHITETREE has spent years of effort in creating the best herbal blends for you to enjoy while taking into account the synergistic effect that comes from blending certain types of herbs as well as the overall taste.
Due to the complexity of the human body, each WHITETREE blend was made while considering numerous different aspects that are relevant to achieving a single purpose. For instance, improving skin condition, the digestive system, and the neuro system. Each herb and its properties have a great impact on the individual. Balance is highly taken into account to curate a blend that hijacks the body in producing effective changes and results.
We would like to bring to you a revolutionary idea that covers all these different aspects in one drink – WHITETREE Organic Herbal Tea.

Check out some of our products below
To learn more about our tea blends and other organic products, visit us here
Work With Us
We here at WHITETREE are always looking for enthusiastic individuals who would like to gain experience working in a Japanese driven company.
We are always striving to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction whilst maintaining our professionalism and beauty standards.
Contact us for any inquiries, we hope to hear from you soon!